APA PsycArticles [EBSCO]
  • Full-text database.  Either all material or at least a portion of material in database is available in full-text.
  • VIVA database subscription (Virtual Library of Virginia statewide library consortium)
APA PsycArticles [EBSCO]
  • Full-text database.  Either all material or at least a portion of material in database is available in full-text.
  • VIVA database subscription (Virtual Library of Virginia statewide library consortium)

Alternate Name(s):

Definitive source of searchable full-text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. The database contains more than 40,000 articles from 53 journals - 45 published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and 8 from allied organizations. It includes all journal articles, letters to the editor and errata from each journal. Coverage spans 1985 to present. (Full text)
