Do you have an existing paid New York Times subscription to their website? If so, you should cancel your subscription before creating a free account through Reynolds Libraries, especially if you are going to use the same email to signup for the free account that you used for your paid account. You can contact Customer Services at the NYT -, or call 800-591-9233.
(Note: The NYT free account includes access to the website and all articles. It does NOT include a subscription to NYT Cooking or the New York Times Games.)
Log out of all accounts (such as your email, Google, Apple, MyReynolds, Canvas, Facebook, etc.). Do NOT be actively logged into any online account. Logging out of other accounts will ensure you tie your New York Times account to the personal account you want to use.
Click on this link to create a free New York Times account
IF OFF CAMPUS - login with your MyReynolds username and multifactor authentication (MFA).
IF ON CAMPUS, skip to Step 5.
Do you already have a New York Times account, or do you need to create a new one? (Note: Even if you didn't pay for a subscription, you may have created an account on their website to gain access to more articles.)
1. If you DO NOT have a NYT account, click on Create Account.
2. If you DO have a NYT account, click on Log in here >>
Select how you want to create your account. Enter your email address in the box to create a local account, or sign in to your Google, Facebook, or Apple account. Your do not have to use your school email, unless you want to.
Are you a student or a faculty/staff member?
1. If you are a student, select Student, enter your estimated graduation year, and an alternate email address. Then click on Sign Up.
2. If you are a faculty or staff member, select Faculty/Staff from the list. Then click Sign Up.
Follow all the next prompts. Click on Continue setting up, sign up for any newsletters you want (or select Maybe Later), and sign up for the app (or say No Thanks). When you're done your account is active!
Go to and login (if you're not already logged in). When you click the dropdown menu for Account in the top right corner, you'll see Group Access below your user name. (Note: This subscription includes access to the website and all articles. It does NOT include a subscription to NYT Cooking or the New York Times Games.)