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Copyright Issues

Covers copyright issues in the United States including: the basics, copyright law, TEACH ACT (copyright and distance education), fair use, and intellectual property.

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Format & example of how to cite an image from the web:

Artist Last name, First & Middle initials. (Date, or n.d.). Name of clip art or stock image [Type of image]. Site. URL

Winn-Boujnida, C. (n.d.). White table lamp on gray end table [Stock photo]. Unsplash.

AnnaliseArt. (n.d.). Balloons [Clip art]. Pixabay.

Note: Although for most images you must look at the license on a case-by-case basis, images and clip art from programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint can be used without attribution.

Format & example of how to cite an image from the web:

Creator's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the digital image." Title of the website. First name & last name of any contributors, Version (if applicable). Number (if applicable). Publisher, Publication date, URL.

Vasquez, Gary. Photograph of Coach K with Team USA.  NBC Olympics, USA Today Sports, 5 Aug. 2016,