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Artist Last name, First & Middle initials. (Date, or n.d.). Name of clip art or stock image [Type of image]. Site. URL
Winn-Boujnida, C. (n.d.). White table lamp on gray end table [Stock photo]. Unsplash.
AnnaliseArt. (n.d.). Balloons [Clip art]. Pixabay.
Note: Although for most images you must look at the license on a case-by-case basis, images and clip art from programs such as Microsoft Word and Microsoft PowerPoint can be used without attribution.
Creator's Last Name, First Name. "Title of the digital image." Title of the website. First name & last name of any contributors, Version (if applicable). Number (if applicable). Publisher, Publication date, URL.
Vasquez, Gary. Photograph of Coach K with Team USA. NBC Olympics, USA Today Sports, 5 Aug. 2016,