Downtown: 804.523.5211
Parham: 804.523.5220
Goochland: 804.523.5419
How many educational and popular DVDs does Reynolds Libraries have in its collection?
Over 4,300 educational and popular DVDs are owned by all three campus libraries.
How many streaming films does Reynolds Libraries provide access to?
Faculty, students & staff have access to over 110,000 streaming films via our library databases.
How many DVDs can I check out at one time?
You can check out up to 3 DVDs for a 1-week loan period. Near the end of the 1 week loan period, you can also renew the DVDs for an additional 1 week loan period if no one else has requested/placed a hold on the DVD you are borrowing.
What is the process for an instructor who wants to request a film purchase and how long will it take to access/receive the film for a class?
Instructors should complete and submit a Library Purchase Request form. When you submit the request, a Reynolds librarian will evaluate all options for providing film content. The time it generally takes to purchase, receive, process and provide access to a film:
What is the process for students, faculty or staff who would like to recommend a film purchase for Reynolds Libraries?
Use the Library Purchase Request form to recommend a new film purchase.
What are my other options for accessing a film?
You can check with a Reynolds Librarian to see if a film can be: