Downtown: 804.523.5211
Parham: 804.523.5220
Goochland: 804.523.5419
The Kanopy Streaming Films database allows unlimited streaming for the titles that Reynolds Libraries has paid an annual license for. When you access the Kanopy homepage, all the titles you see on this homepage are films we currently have licensed.
To view a film, move your mouse over the film title you are interested in and click on See More.
When the next screen appears, click on Play.
In addition, anyone can submit a purchase request for any title we don't currently have a license for.. Submitting a request does not guarantee that we can purchase the title. However, we will try and honor requests based on the needs of the requester and the current library budget.
Requesting a title is easy:
1. Search for and move you mouse over a title you are interested in. When a request window appears, click on Request Access.
2. When the next screen appears, complete the Request for Access form then click on Request Access to submit your request. You will receive a submission confirmation via email. A librarian will follow up with you within 48 hours to update you with the status of your request.
Do not hesitate to Ask Us if you have any questions regarding Kanopy or if you encounter any issues with access and/or streaming. We are happy that we can continue to provide access to this popular and useful resource!