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When using the library catalog or the library's eBook databases to find books, try some of these subject terms:
counseling psychology counseling AND social justice cultural awareness group counseling human services personnel social group work social workers AND ethics
If you click on any Reynolds Libraries database link (including direct links to specific articles, eBooks and videos) from off-campus, you will be prompted with a Virginia's Community Colleges login screen. Use your My Reynolds username & multifactor authentication (MFA) to access any of the library databases from off-campus.
For more detailed information on accessing resources from Reynolds Libraries databases from off-campus, click here. If you cannot login from off campus, email or call 804.523.5211 - or - 523-5220. ProQuest Central eBooks Note: If you are accessing a ProQuest Central eBook from ON or OFF campus, you will be prompted with a Virginia's Community Colleges login screen. If you are accessing a ProQuest Central eBook from the library catalog, you will also be prompted to select your institution, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. |
You can browse the following call number ranges at our campus libraries to find print books to check out:
BF1-990 Psychology
BF173-175.5 Psychoanalysis
GN357-367 Culture and cultural processes Including social change, structuralism, diffusion, etc.
GN478-491.7 Social organization
HM1001-1281 Social psychology
HV40-69 Social service. Social work. Charity organization and practice Including social case work, private and public relief, institutional care, rural social work, work relief.
HV 547 - Self-Help Groups
RC 488 - Group Counseling