Downtown: 804.523.5211
Parham: 804.523.5220
Goochland: 804.523.5419
During this unit, you will:
1. Watch and take notes on the video below.
2. After reviewing the video above, take the Unit 3 Quiz.
To apply what you have learned in this unit, use the library databases to find two to three authoritative articles (both peer-reviewed and popular) that will help you to answer your research question (and/or sub questions).
Then, evaluate the sources using the Articles - Evaluate Your Source checklist posted under Guided Activities above. Be sure to complete one checklist per source. You will upload these documents later to Canvas, so keep track of where you put them. :)
Reminder: Use this assignment to make progress on your research essay.
Look for sources that will help you to answer your research question, or one of your subquestions.
If you need help finding sources, contact a librarian using the information to the left of this page.
Let the librarian know the question you are trying to answer.
***If you think your question might need to change, contact me using the Canvas Inbox.***
By the date indicated in the Schedule of Assignments, post the following to the Unit 3 forum:
IMPORTANT: The information you write for the above bullet items should be posted as a reply to the forum and should not be an attachment. Having said that, do be sure to attach the files you created above when you evaluated the sources you found for this unit.
If you have questions about this assignment, please post them to the Q&A forum.
A NOTE ON TAKING NOTES: At this point, you should be taking notes on and thinking about all of the sources you will use in your research paper. Thinking about your sources objectively involves using the Elements of Thought you have been learning about. Use the document below that best serves your needs. You do not need to post this document to the forum. This is just a heads up that note taking is a part of research writing. Taking quality notes will help the essay come together later! :)