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Comprehensive scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database containing journal, magazine and newspaper articles. (Full text)
Archive of journal articles, books and images in the humanities, social sciences and sciences. Journal articles published within the last 3-5 years are not included. You can filter your searches to primary source content. (Full text)
Covers all aspects of the humanities, with worldwide content pertaining to literary, scholarly and creative thought. Provides full text of hundreds of journals, books and other published sources from around the world. (Full text)
Provides extensive coverage of such topics as world religions, major denominations, biblical studies, religious history, epistemology, political philosophy, philosophy of language, moral philosophy and the history of philosophy. (Full-text)
Access to journal articles & eBooks. Covers a variety of disciplines, including the fields of arts and humanities, business and economics, engineering, law, medicine, social sciences, sciences, and technology. Full-text coverage:1977-present.
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For more detailed information on accessing resources from Reynolds Libraries databases from off-campus, click here. If you cannot login from off campus, email or call 804.523.5211 - or - 523-5220. ProQuest Central eBooks Note: If you are accessing a ProQuest Central eBook from ON or OFF campus, you will be prompted with a Virginia's Community Colleges login screen. If you are accessing a ProQuest Central eBook from the library catalog, you will also be prompted to select your institution, J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. |