Downtown: 804.523.5211
Parham: 804.523.5220
Goochland: 804.523.5419
Always check with your instructor on what format specifications to use for a particular class or assignment, especially when citing electronic resources including material found in library databases.
The automatic citation generators noted on this page are NOT FOOLPROOF. These tools will save you time, but you should always double-check by:
Automatic citation generators are also available via many of the library databases.
Below are links to several free citation generators. Please keep in mind that -
It is strongly recommend that you check your citations generated by these tools by reviewing the online APA or MLA style guides, our print citation style handbooks/manuals kept at the Reynolds Libraries reference desk at any campus, or ask a Reynolds Librarian for help. For more tips on how to use citation generators responsibly, check out this Purdue OWL webpage.
Citation generators for APA & MLA are also available via the library catalog and many library databases. Ask a Reynolds librarian about specific databases that provide a citation generator. When you select a book or article you are interested in, use the citation tool to automatically generate a citation in APA or MLA format.
Reynolds Libraries' online citation guides include:
Librarians are more than happy to assist you with citing your sources in a particular style:
The most recent copies of the MLA Handbook and the APA Publication Manual are kept at the Reference Desk at each campus library and are available for your use within the library.